"These two guides [with The
Basketball Coach's Bible] offer a remarkably detailed, painstaking
organized approach to teaching and mastering basketball skills.
Utilizing the techniques of programmed learning, Goldstein breaks
down basketball's many teachable skills (shooting, passing, dribbling,
cutting, rebounding, etc.) into their component parts and supplies
incrementally more difficult lessons for each task. The lessons
themselves, whether at the most elementary level (holding the
ball in the fingertips) or the most complex (playing defense
in the low post), are practical, well presented, and part of
a unified whole. Directions are clear, and diagrams accompanying
each lesson, though sometimes dense, are always decipherable.
"The two volumes, one addressed to coaches, the other to
players, contain much identical material rearranged to fit the
differing audience. There is logic to the rearrangement, though
cost-conscious libraries could get by with one volume.the player's
guide will attract more readers, but coaches will profit most
form Goldstein's dry but comprehensive approach.The need for
'fundamentals' is a rallying cry at every level of competition:
these books deliver the goods."
"[A] minutely detailed analysis of
all of the fundamentals."
Scholastic Coach
"One of the most comprehensive basketball
books available."
Ontario Basketball Association
"It is one of the most thorough books
on basketball I have read."
Director of Biddy Basketball
don't often endorse books or products but a book came across
my desk that I feel is of interest to any man or women interested
in coaching basketball at any level. Sidney Goldstein has penned
a book titled The Basketball Coach's Bible and it is a must for
every basketball coach. The Penn State grad has put together
a book that helps the novice all the way up to the veteran. Goldstein
has ideas for practice plans, drills, coaching ideas and tips,
as well as how to layout a court. the book uses charts and diagrams
along with 40 illustrations and is written well." ......."The
book is sensational! I highly recommend the book to coaches at
any level, from 4th and 5th grade through high school and college."
Oskaloosa(IA) Herald
"If you are looking for a guide to
help you coach better, this is the one you're looking for."
The Healdton(OK) Herald
"No aspect of the game is missed as
Goldstein walks us through the game step-by-step, from warming
up before the contest to warming down afterward to prevent injury."
Chestnut Hill Local (Phila.)
"[A] wonderfully-informative book
that lives up to its billing as "A Comprehensive and Systematic
Guide to Coaching."
Lompoc(CA) Record
"[This book] is great! "Where
was this when I needed it?" some 30 plus years ago."
Marco Island Eagle (FL)
"[A] straightforward, well-detailed
broad gauged primer."
The Potomac Reader (Wash. DC)
"This books secondary title, 'A Comprehensive
and Systematic Guide to Coaching,' couldn't be more appropriate."
Winning Hoops
"Worth considering as a gift for the
hoops junkie in your family."
Journal Star, Peoria
"Like basketball? To help you understand
what is going on, get a copy . It covers every aspect of the
Book Browsing, West Orange Times (NJ)
"[H]olds the potential for wide appeal
for a variety of users involved with kids."
Midwest Book
Review, The Children's Bookwatch
"[O]ffers step-by-step lessons to
learn and improve as a player or a coach. [S]martly short on
theories and long on exercises."
Denver Post, IN THE
[T]he Man Who Could Help Shaque's
The Christian Science Monitor
"[C]onsider yourself lucky if Santa
left (it) under your Christmas tree. ... [C]ontains the kind
of information anyone needs to develop their hoops understanding.
... [F]ew (basketball books) are as well done and systematic
as Goldstein's."
The Dayton Daily News