most useful materials on fundamentals."
Heaton, Home Educators, jr hs player
Patrick Mills, 4th Div. Germany, player
Jim Treece, Whitney Ford, Bixby OK, Boys coach
Marko Jirasek, league and school, coach
Antonio Cardoso, Aveiro, Portugal, Men's
Robert Waybright, Richmond Sch, Susanville,CA,Coach/parent
Bill Reighter, Newport PA, elem-HS girls coach
Jim Hamilton, Craig Ak, Middle Sch boys coach
Caleb, Axtell NE, HS player
Alan J. Taylor, Medford Lakes NJ, boys
Tom Andrus, Menomone Falls WI, grade school
Dan Ramirez, Springfield OR, girls
Bob Parsons, Wolcott CT, Coach
Robert, Melvindale HS, 9th grade player
Ken, UK, guard
Scott Snow, coach parent
Chris Resch, Ft Plain, NY, coach
Jeff Neumann, Eyota MN, coach
Tony Altamura, Redondo Beach CA, coach
Mike Leaver, Palmerton PA, boys
Shane Mullaney, Sacromento CA, girls
Don Bailey, Boys AAU 11
Brent Fisk, Bowling Green KY, Mens league
I have found this sight to be very useful.
Bill Reighter, Newport
PA, elem-HS girls coach
There's nothing else like it!!!
Scott Snow, coach
Thanks! Keep up the great work.
Chris Resch, Ft Plain,
NY, coach
I think the basketball coaches bible is great. I first saw your
book in the Library and then purchased my own copy. I have used
the lessons in the book for four seasons and am starting a fifth.
My players parrents often complement me on the job I do and want
their kids on my team next season. We don't win all our games
but the kids learn a lot and get better throughout the season.
The greatest reward is seeing the improvement in the less skilled
players and their joy when they contribute to our victories.
My only regret is that I only have facilities for two 1-hour
practices each week.
Jim Treece, Whitney
Ford, Bixby OK, 5th Boys coach
The experience and knowledge the books give are priceless,
In addition, i have one request and offer to make. I'd like to
translate Coach's Bible into Croatian language and publish it
in Croatia. I think it'll be a tremendous help to every coach
here. Needless to say, I've never seen such complete, detailed
and systematic source of fundamentals. Please contact me at the
above email address.
Marko Jirasek, Croatia,
league and school, coach
First of all let me give you my best congratulations to your
site, it's awesome.
Antonio Cardoso, Aveiro,
Portugal, Men's
I am starting a 11U YBOA boys team and have had the Coach's Bible
and videos and Player's Bible for a couple of years now and they
are absolutely the best books that detail the fundamentals that
I have ever seen. I plan to follow it explicitly with this new
Don Bailey, Boys AAU
I am a fairly new youth coach. I went to the library and was
lucky enough to come upon your book. Even though it is an older
edition - it is great. I have added it to my Christmas list.
I then was even luckier to find your website. I find it very,
very helpful. I have just started practice for the upcoming season
and I am certainly using information from both the book and website
to help me prepare. While a lot of kids (and parents!) are resistant
to learning fundamentals; I am a firm believer that they help
make better players, better teams, and ultimately fundamentals
are what win games. Keep up the good work.
Tony Altamura,
Redondo Beach CA, Elem Sch
When used properly the coach's bible and the player's bible are
the foundation for new coaches and young players. The material
helps organize a positive practice. It also keeps parents up
to date on what the players are doing.
Robert Waybright,
Richmond Sch, Susanville CA, Coach/parent
Hey I own the basketball bible and it is the best book I have
ever read. It has made a better basketball player! My dad is
my coach and at every practice we do all the drills u suggest.My
team has improved a ton!!
I just want to thank you for putting this book on the market.
Caleb, Axtell NE, HS
The Basketball Coach's Bible has been extremely beneficial as
I work with my team. The lessons are planned out in a great way
that builds on each other. My next step is to attend the clinics.
Alan J. Taylor, Medford
Lakes NJ, boys
This is a great way to be a better basketball player in no time.
Thank you for having such a great web site for teaching people
how to play.
Robert, Melvindale HS,
9th grade player
I look for all different sorts of ways to improve my game. I
get advice from coaches and friends, but some of these tips you
mention I have never been told before. I didn't realize that
i was doing something wrong until I read this article. now I
am doing them correctly and I have improved my game. thank you.
Kaylee, Columbus OH,
(sounds good, please send a translation)
me interesan mucho sus videos de fundamentos de basquetbol, como
puedo hacer un pedido pagando directamente en alguna cuenta bancaria
de ustedes, para que me envien los videos aqui anunciados.
GARCIA, instituto motolinia de montemorelos
Montemorelos,Nuevo Leon,Mexico,age 6-17 men/women
I really found your videos to be the best training I've ever
had. I think that too many coaches of young kids try to teach
the same way they would at higher levels before the kids learn
even the basic fundamentals. I see too many high school kids
without even the basic abilities of dribbling, shooting, and
especially defense. There is way too much concentration on scoring
at a young age. It is too easy for coaches of young kids to take
advantage of the more talented kids on their team because they
can score instead of concentrating on development of the fundamentals
of all players. I have found profound improvements in every player
I've coached when I've concentrated on the fundamentals and not
scoring. By improving the weakest players, they earn respect
from the better players, and that makes them a team. Too often,
on teams that concentrate on the better scorers, I've seen starters
blame the bench for mistakes, they don't pass to each other,
and they begin to play for themselves instead of the team. As
a result, they don't win, and they are easily defeated when they
lose a lead in a game. I've also seen good young athletes become
mediocre athletes because a coach stops teaching fundamentals
because he is winning with a good matelote. As the kid matures,
the rest of his peers catch up physically, and the ones that
worked harder on the fundamentals become the better players.
I really love your series and if there is one thing I think coaches
need to learn is that only fundamentals can improve your players.
And only when you improve your players, will you improve your
team. You can't teach plays to kids who can't dribble, catch
the ball, shoot properly, and you can't stop a team from scoring
if you can't play defense properly. When players learn that no
one player is better than the team, then they cheer for each
other, support each other, and they win. Thanks, and keep up
the good work. I only wish I could get more!
Michael Leaver, Palmerton
PA, coach