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1. Fundamentals I (77-6) 48 min The offensive skills are the most difficult and take the longest to teach. Shooting, dribbling, and passing skills involve wrist movement and touch. If you have seen a Larry Bird or Pete Maravitch shoot, dribble, or pass you will notice remarkable touch, and wrist movement. These skills can not be over- emphasized for players at all levels. Defense mostly involves hustle and foot work. The offense only needs a step, so each defensive move is important. On the other hand, a team does not need great plays to get that step. An effective fake and cut can accomplish this. |
2. Fundamentals II (90-3) 42 min You need a Center Jump Setup that can be learned in 15 minutes and will not allow you to be burned. Players must make transitions quickly. I teach the center jump, the foul line setup, and plays combined with transitions. Team offense is not what you think, running rehearsed plays. It is learning how to take advantage of the defense each time down the court. The key to team defense is helping out, because one-on-one the offense always has an advantage. You need a flexible simple out-of-bounds play and a defense against it. Full court pressure offense and defense is the ultimate goal for your team. You can't skip steps to get there. Remember, to master Team Skills players must have a solid foundation in individual skills. So, I urge you to go back, if necessary, to give your players that foundation. |
3. Planning Practice I (75-X) 41 min Planning Basketball Practice I shows how to plan an effective practice. As a teacher your practice plan, just like a lesson plan, is vital. The caliper of your teaching depends, not just on your basketball skill or your basketball knowledge, but also how you transfer this information to your players. I often spent hours each night planning a 1-2 hour high school practice. And, of course, it paid off. Good planning yields rapid and constant improvement for your players. You don't need to wait weeks or month to see improvement, you see significant improvement each day! |
4. Planning Practice II (76-8) 41 min Teach from a detailed practice plan. No shooting from the hip. A few simple practice rules need consistent enforcement. Managers and assistants have vital roles in your teaching success. Every player needs to be involved and engaged through out the entire practice. Necessity, not fairness, nor equality, is why you want to teach these things. Teaching at either the t echnique, practice, or game level saves valuable time and effort. Homework is an incredible tool. Assign it. Use scrimmages and games to demonstrate deficiencies, that set the stage for learning. There are many more Do Nots, than Do's. Do Nots make player improvement impossible; frustration and mediocrity more probable. Motivation starts with involving players, not making speeches. Teaching effectiveness is not serendipity. Success comes from hard work and giving to players, not from using players. |
5. Shooting I (78-4), 35 min Shooting 1 covers the technique needed for every type of shot. Technique not only improves the shot, but also makes players more consistent from the 3 foot line, the foul line, or the 3 point line. Technique is the key to improvement, repetition with improper technique is the nemesis. |
6. Shooting II (79-2), 47 min Shooting 2 covers layups, jump and hook shots, fake and pivot routines needed for drives and moves as well as a sensible way to practice shooting. Players learn how to apply technique without pressure. Perform these drills and exercises slowly, so players can ease into the agility needed to drive to the basket or perform fancy moves anywhere on the court. |
7. Shooting III (80-6), 43 min Shooting 3 covers foul shooting, multiple skill shooting drills, and shooting under pressure. Foul shooting involves working at all 3 shooting levels so a player can both better prepare, execute, and focus at the line. Multiple skill drills involve passing, cutting, timing, and more while shooting a layup or usually a short shot. These include many continuous motion drills that condition players. Finally I present game level drills where players shoot under extreme pressure. |
8. Dribbling (81-4), 36 min Of the three ball skills-- shooting, dribbling, and passing--- dribbling is by far the easiest to teach and learn. Teach this seemingly less important skill immediately for several reasons: One, players will continue to dribble improperly if you don't . I also suggest you ban or curtail dribbling at practice till players gain minimum expertise. Two, once you show the basics players will practice this skill at home, even indoors. And players love to do this, so they will return to practice greatly improved. Three, dribbling is similar to defense, so working on dribbling helps with defense as well. |
9. Defense I (84-9) 39 min Defense 1 covers defensive movement along with several on-ball techniques. Basic movement involves proper body position, how to jump step, and run while maintaining this defensive position. On ball techniques include how to force a dribbler to go in the direction you want; covering a shooter; covering a driver as well as catching up to a driver. Fronting, an off ball technique, is presented in the move feet drills section. |
Defense II (85-7) 41 min Defense 2 covers off ball defense including overplaying inside and out, covering a cutter, rebounding, boxing out, trapping, defense on a pick as well as several other defensive situations. Overplaying is the method used to cover players without the ball whether outside or inside in the low post area. I teach rebounding along with boxing out because they go together. Trapping is how to stop the dribble. Overplaying and fronting should be practiced in several pressure situations. Finally, I show how to defense on a pick. |
Defense III (88-1) 42 min Defense 3 covers team defense, applying individual skills in a team situation. After a review of several individual techniques, basic person to person and zone defenses are presented then compared. Defense for out of bounds plays, the center jump, the foul line situation is explained. The I show how to make quick transitions to and from defense. Finally I present a pressure half and full court defense. |
Offense I (82-2) 52 min Offense 1 covers basic offensives skills including ball handling, pivoting, passing, catching, and rebounding. Ball handling involves holding and grabbing the ball as well as keeping the ball away from the defense. Pivoting is a key to everything in basketball effecting everything done on both offense and defense. Passing, the most difficult ball skill, includes overhead, side, bounce, as well as baseball passes. Catching, a skill often overlooked, includes coming to ball and flashing into the lane as well as catching bad passes. The keys to rebounding are watching and predicting then going. |
Offense II (83-0) 48 min Offense 2 covers the most difficult, usually overlooked skills of timing, looking, and communication(TLC). The execution of TLC skills while running an offensive pattern determines offensive success. TLC is practiced while running cutting and faking drills as well as short pass full court drills. Front and back weaves,as well as a series of full court baseball pass drills may give the best TLC practice. Several 2 on 1 and 2 on 2 drills give practice with defense. |
Offense III (87-3) 51 min Offense 3 covers team offense which involves applying TLC and other basic offensive skills while running a pattern. The objective for any offense in to get the ball inside for a short shot. Three plays work the ball inside from the center, side, and corner. Two offensive patterns emphasize outside and inside movement respectively. An all-around pattern which has zillions of options is presented for more sophisticated offenses. An offenses against full court defensive pressure as well as offenses to work the ball inbounds are presented. |