Wonder why you are not having
more success teaching shooting? Sidney Goldstein, author of The
Basketball Coach's Bible & Player's Bible, explains and shows
in no little detail the road to success in the first of three
videos on shooting.
Video 5 in the Nitty-Gritty Basketball Series, Basketball Shooting
I shows male and female college (mostly) players working on the
mechanics of shooting. Starting with an overview of shooting
Goldstein explains the three levels of shooting: technique, practice,
and game level. Technique involves the mechanics of movement;
practice involves ways to practice proper technique; game level
involves shooting under pressure. Next, the major shooting problems
are presented: 1-tight wrists, 2-lack of arm extension(nose shooting),
3-poor ball handling, 4-lack of ability to pivot, 5-ineffective
practice habits, 6-dealing with small or young players. The major
topics in this video--Touch; Release; Body Alignment; Extension--
show methods to eliminate these problems.
Goldstein unabashedly states that these techniques work 100%
of the time with 100% of players. With over 100,000 books and
videos who's to argue! He both narrates and works with players
on the screen. Video 6, Shooting II (practice shooting), and
Video 7, Shooting III (pressure shooting) complete the 3 volume
shooting set. The videos follow the "Bibles", The Basketball
Coach's Bible, The Basketball Player's Bible. This video is appropriate
for pro to 1st grade coaches. The heavy duty drills and methods
are not for casual watching. |